
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Meet the Coleman Family

The Coleman family has been friends of mine for many years now. Jack and Donna Coleman have 5 wonderful children and have 8 very lively grandchildren, the two youngest are not in these photos. I was so excited to be asked to take their portraits. It was a lot of fun, as it always is when you get this group together! :)

Here Jack and Donna are with their youngest kids, Jared and Dylan. When I was in high school I was there Nanny during the summer and after school during the year. It was such a great experience and they are extra special to me. Jared is so bright and will be a great leader someday. Dylan always gave the greatest hugs and he still does every time I see him, his caring, gentle and inventive spirit is inspiring.

I must admit that I have somehow lost the family portrait of Jack & Donna's oldest child, Sherri and her family. Somehow it is no longer on my computer and since all my photo archives are packed away from the move I will not be including it :( I am so sad.

Above are Shelly and her husband Steve and their children. They have since added another boy to their family.... he is only 3 months older than my daughter Katelyn.

Below are Jerry and his wife Dawn and their oldest child. They also have since added a little boy to their family and Katelyn shares her birthday with him. Dawn is also my cousin, so in a way I too have married my way into the Coleman family through Dawn. :) its a long shot I know but I think its valid.
Here are Jack & Donna with 6 of the grandkids. It was a wonderful day out except for the wind :( and the chill in the air :( but it gave everyone nice rosey cheeks :)

Many blessings to the Colemans!!!

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